Friday, December 14, 2018

Anti Ageing Secrets that work better than Botox and Facial Surgeries

Natural beauty & overall confidence is always endearing. While many young girls, women and men are resorting to options like Botox and surgeries, there are also new ways of restoring facial & body youth which are far more effective, long lasting and natural. In my own experience I have realised that different people project different ageing behaviours. I personally know men & women who are in their 60's & 70's and don't have wrinkles on their face or have loads of energy & I know of young girls & guys in their early 20's (even teens) with wrinkles and appearance that can confuse anyone on their actual age. I am not against cosmetic procedures, if it makes you happy then do it however, it's a loop and you would keep wanting to change something or the other without even knowing the actual cause behind it. At the root of this emotion is the core issue that needs to be understood fully. 

I had never really paid attention to my own age or beauty until my Ex pointed it out during fights, out of his own insecurity because he had grey hair along with health and weight issues. He looked quite elder to me and felt that I could attract better and younger guys rather than being with him, so he started playing the age gap as a tape-recorder to feel better about himself. For obvious reasons that didn't go down well with me because an age gap of 2 years was used as something abusive & demeaning by him and his family. I cried few times and didn't understand why was I being blamed for looking younger when actually he should have been happy about it. For the first in my life, I was made to feel guilty about something that didn't exist in my line of thoughts. It had a negative impact on me and for many months I stopped dressing up well and started skipping more and more meals. I didn't feel happy around him and lost too much weight and appetite and he kept blaming me for something or the other, as if he was doing a favour on me by choosing me as a life partner. I felt annoyed that people still live in these believes while the world is celebrating Love between people who have crazy differences be it age or ethnicity or social status or religion, the list is long.

But Thank God that even during all of that, I kept studying and practising awareness. I could hear my own words of despair and also that I had manifested great experiences in my life, I simply didn't want to blame other people anymore. It wasn't a solution because we always attract what we think about. In most cases people do it without being aware about it. So, other people cannot make you feel unworthy until and unless you allow them to do so. I had to find out why I was in a situation like that in the first place, why was I even hanging out with a bunch of people who I personally felt no connection with. Why was I even into a relationship with people pulling me down on a daily basis and I was reacting to all of it. The funny part is that most people do it unknowingly every day.

I became drawn to my looks and appearance in order to find an answer. Suddenly, I could relate with my friends who felt unequipped because of their age. I could  empathise with cousins who were tortured by relatives whose only job was to talk about marriage and how it would get difficult to give birth to children after crossing 30. The Ticking clock was shown by them as if they had achieved wonders in their own lives. I could hear dialogues of Men & Women who said they were too old to start a business or a Blog or Travel or fall in Love again. It was funny when I also heard dialogues from Teenagers talking about the things they cannot even try to attempt because they are too young for it. All this while I was thinking only adults face these problems but this Disease was Widespread. One of those day, I stumbled upon a fashion blogger & 2 body builders who had crossed 60 and they stunned me with the things they were doing and the energy they projected. I began to notice more and more that Age is actually just a number and throughout my life I had been defying the concept of age without even realising it. 

Everything depends on the Mental Diet you give to yourself. The negative comments from others is just a result of your own subconscious thinking. They too help us to reverse the dialogues. So I am thankful to all those negative comments because it helped me get deeper into the study of Mind. You simply have to observe what you're being told by others and mentally change your thought process to what you want. 

There are tons of people who talk about Japanese Massage, Babyface Yoga and Asahi Techniques. Interestingly, there are pressure points in our face, back of the neck and behind the ears that can yield great results just by pressing them daily. I also found out about many people on Youtube and Instagram who have defied age. They are not limited by negative thinking and do whatever they want. In Past 2 years, I studied so much about alternatives to Botox and Surgeries because I found many people on Internet especially teenagers who actually should have no concern regarding age, but yet trying out various procedures and then regretting it later on. The side-effects they had to go through are horror stories of how someone wanted a thin nose and ended up looking like a clown for life. Your lack and appreciation of how you are created by Nature leads to these harmful experiments that people regret for life. Don't regret, you can fix that Nose again. 

Let me now give you some Golden rules and tips for helping you stay & feel young : 

People who judge others on their age are the ones who actually end up ageing faster than anyone else. Judgement can make you look ugly from inside out. On the contrary HONESTY can make you not only young in appearance but young at heart too. Your inner thinking has a lot of impact on your appearance. If you always angry, full of hatred, blame others, take revenge, you are bound to reflect it through your looks. People who envy others are less attractive.

2. Decide exactly how you want to look and intend on those thoughts and imagine that you have attained those looks and focus on the feeling you get when you have the desired appearance and then don't plan how exactly that would happen. Just be consistent.

3. Massage your Face with Almond Oil using upward circular strokes once in a day. 

4. Rub Ice-Cubes on your skin on and off. This is a good exercise for skin pores. 

5. Use Natural home-made products for skin once in week. Try to use less chemicals (Your kitchen and fridge is full of things that can make your skin youthful and attractive, Google about home-made products & scrubs, fruit scrub massages, face packs, tan removers, take your pick)

6. Relationship status - You can be happily single or lonely as fuck. You can also be in a Horrible Relationship or a beautiful one but it has nothing to do with your appearance, because your personality is in your own hands. Haven't you seen couples where one person is drop dead gorgeous and other looks like the wrong match? That's because looks should not be the priority. Be where you feel good, not just look good. One must focus on Self-Harmony in such a way, that being with others is also harmonious. Also, If you are not comfortable being at some places, excuse yourself and step away without feeling bad about doing so. Your Uniqueness brings your beauty out, not your trying to always blend in with the Crowd even when you don't want to.

7. Mind your own Business (This is quite simple to understand)

8. Be Carefree, Surrender to Nature/ Universe/ God 

9. CLEAR RESISTANCE- Learn from successful people but don't sit and make comparisons. Be peaceful alone and enjoy the company of those who are spontaneously present in your reality. This reflects on your personality and brings a glow on ur face. 

10. Laugh Everyday ! 

11. Not everyone is supposed to have fair skin, or a big ass or brown eyes or a curvy body or curls or straight hair or black eyes or petite body or big lips or high cheekbones, or dimples, or dark complexion or chubby cheeks or a large structure or a zero size figure or droopy eyes or blue eyes or blonde hair or a round face or almond eyes or thick eyelashes or thin eyebrows or I can go on and on and on. All I want to say is Embrace who you are. If someone puts you down for the way you look, If someone rejects for your body, or chooses others over you, then they never loved you for who you are... They don't deserve you anyway. Nature made you Unique & different & gave you distinct qualities. Move on from such energy and such people... Love yourself, Love every single DNA of yours & be with those who Love you exactly the way you are ! 

12. Follow Your Heart. Follow Your Heart. Follow Your Heart ( Repeat & Lock it in your System)

13. Hair Color is something which should not be considered an ageing factor by anyone. During my high school days, a girl in my hostel had grey hair and she didn't give a Rat's Ass and rocked that look. No one bullied her for it. A year ago I was in Bombay and a boy my locality, who was around 11-12 years old had his whole head was full of greys. Examples like these make me feel that grey hair is a confused concept in countries like India where most people commonly have darker hair colour. If you look at Richard Gere, he always had grey hair, but he was one of the most handsome actors.

14. Practise Mindfulness 

15. Do Positive affirmations 

All the Best ! 
The Sunamoon 

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