Sunday, May 26, 2019

False Twin flame Identification

Hello Dear Soul,
Since you have somehow landed on this page and looking for this information, I would like to congratulate you because you have finally started figuring out that you could be in a False-twin Relationship. In all honesty, it's a great thing to have happened to you because otherwise you could have gotten yourself to be stuck in this pattern for a very long time. You are lucky that you have started paying attention to some key details on which you were earlier getting manipulated 'on and off' like a loop. You obviously questioned your sanity many times and now it's time to make the big changes. 

It's important to know that once the connection with your False twin gets fully established things begin to change. The False twin wants to feed off from your energy because they are unable to attain spiritual growth through their own being & behaviour. Their programming is to manipulate anyone who is in equal partnership with them. For this type of feeding the Energy Vampires need a spiritually advance person who has certain areas to be worked upon further. This is the reason why this type of a a relationship witnesses the 'breakup and patch-up' phase so many types. Once the Energy Vampire drains you out, they leave you alone feeling miserable and you need time to come back to your senses and detachment takes place. But the moment you have fully revived and started attracting other suitors your False twin would be back looking for you. This happens so many times in a false twin relationship that it gets difficult to keep a track of. 

So First of all... Relax !

Mentioned below are some key points that can help you decide in what direction do you want your relationship to go to. But don't forget that everything that happens in your life actually flows through you. So, its absolutely in your hands to fix this situation by observing your own self talk towards the things you desire. 

1. False twin appears like True Love but you also know that it only is 'appearing' to be so. When you are in a False twin relationship you always have this doubt. You feel that this person may or may not be the One for you and their behaviour confuses you. You are not 100% sure about this person. 

2. There is a lot of dependency towards this relationship. It feels like you are sucking each other's energy and in most cases you feel like the Victim and when you run away and start feeling better without this person, then that's the time he/she comes back. This type of Tug-of-War creates frustration and you want to truly let go but are unable to do. 

3. Feeling of being Controlled by your Love Interest and a need to Control them too. 

4. This person makes you feel that he/she is obsessed by you and there's a lot of sexual attraction and intimacy on a regular basis. However, the worst part is that it doesn't feel so good and this sexual chemistry creates a lot of control and mental manipulation. And if you are the one looking for this information then be 100% sure that you are the one who is being controlled and you want to break free. But the relationship gives you a thrill and there's lot of drama and you don't know whether this type of drama is stemming from True Love or it's all just a need based arrangement. 

5. Both Soulmate & False Twin-flame are Karmic Connections. There are some Karmic connections that are very pleasant but they don't last long and as long as they are there, the soul doesn't grow much. It makes the Soul stagnant and sooner or later, the stagnancy is bound to create a lot of discomfort. When you meet the False twin-flame, you always have a strong inkling that it's not the real deal. A Karmic connections helps you to do a lot work and doing this work will help you attract True love eventually. 

6. Efforts have to be made in order to make the relationship work, lots of formality and pacifying too. The false twin's family is also a pain in the ass and if you are searching for information about this, then you are having a tough time dealing with the Drama caused by the False-twin's family and friends. You see that there is dependancy & neediness all around your False twin and you have also begun to look extremely needy fighting for what you truly deserve. 

7. Intense Sexual Chemistry is present all throughout this relationship. The need to merge with this person ALL THE TIME is the theme. Plans, outings, phone conversations and most meetings are centred around this theme. Whereas in True love it's actually the opposite where intimacy is natural and you would have fallen in love with the person long before even touching their skin. 

8. You feel drained and exhausted even after a simple conversation with the False twin. Even when you think about them mentally you feel uninspired and confused. You are not happy and feel terrible being with this person. Many a times you question why are you even in this relationship. You are a giver and they are at the receiving end, someone who is constantly asking for emotional support and act as if it's never enough. Your False-twin may even use words like 'I am depressed' and have a list of problems like blaming their family, legacy, age, origin and mostly are a failure in life but never admit it. They know how to take other people's sympathy, so Beware ! 

9. Dream Invasion: You will have lucid and realistic dreams about your false twin. You would see a story and sometimes the false twin would have traveled in your dream. There is always a message to the dreams related to your false twin but you won't be able to decode them fully. It's only when you are out of their trap all the dreams would make complete sense. When you try to decode your dream, you will feel more anxious, confused and drained. Many a times, the false -twin is close enough that you would share the dream with them and they would further manipulate you on that information. 

10. Both of you would be obsessed about each other in a very emotionally harmful way. You would fantasise and obsess all the time. Even when you are together you would constantly be chatting, calling or meeting each other with a feeling of obsession and neediness. You would stalk each other on social media and be watchful of each other's moves. You would ask for constant validation from this person and would get it only when they want something from you. False twin relationships are very arrangement based. Whenever you are out of this person's life you would find out they know about every single move of yours and would you shock you with the details when you connect again.

11. Once the False twin knows clearly that they cannot take any more from you, they will quickly move on to their next victim. It would be hard for you to digest this but feel lucky that you finally know that you were trapped by a false twin. Don't keep any space for them to return. Just wish them well and hope they heal 


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