Sunday, May 26, 2019

Blocked Chakras lead to a struggle with finances, relationships and communicating your truth

Mind, Body and Soul all 3 are interconnected and people who understand this would always & automatically live in such a way that their habits and mental diet would be the one that supports them and the life around them. I had read and heard about Chakras and it's obviously not a strange piece of information if you are already interested in Sacred Hindu Texts and Epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. In my opinion, one can never get bored or tired with these 2 epics. There's so much to learn every time you ponder over it. Also if you resonate with Evolution then there is no end to this Journey and I say this in a very positive way because innocent curiosity and excitement towards life makes the journey so fun-filled. There are no more regrets, on the contrary one feels so thankful towards all their experiences- good and bad doesn't really matter.
Chakras and all you need to know about them
Knowing about Chakras can also be quite helpful because each Chakra is connected to a specific area of your life and just by looking at your unfulfilled desires and gap you feel exists between you and your dreams, you can easily know which Chakra of yours is blocked and it needs healing. Now every chakras has an area to master and in totality they are all interconnected. We see that some people are good in specific areas of their life and either they are clueless about the rest or they struggle. For example, a man who has a lot money and financial stability might not be comfortable in expressing himself freely. Sometimes, we meet very talented writers and painters struggling with money and finances. There are also extremely intelligent people who don't feel confident about themselves and experience turbulent relationships. So, in order to make all areas of your life harmonious and have a full human experience one needs to be in a flow. That happens when Chakras are clear and energy is free-flowing.  

The 7 Chakras are as follows: 

  • Muladhara (the Root Chakra) Muladhara (literally 'root support') is located at the base of the spine 
  • Svadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra
  • Manipura (the Navel Chakra) Also known as the Solar Plexus 
  • Anahata (the Heart Chakra
  • Vishuddha (the Throat Chakra)
  • Ajna (the Third-Eye Chakra
  • Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra)

I am sharing my Video Log which was inspired by a Chakra Class I had attended during my Kerala stay. When I was in the class I felt that should compile this information is clear and concise way so that any one who watches and figure it out on their own as to which area is blocked and needs to be worked upon. I also want to mention that sometimes it just needs one area to focus fully on and it can unblock everything else because like I said, all chakras are interconnected with each other. 

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