Monday, February 19, 2024

Worrying about Unpaid Bills has a deep impact on Dream World connected with Spiritual Ascension Journey

Lot of people who are on the Spiritual Ascension Journey go through a phase of confusion which creates a big Hindrance in their Growth. This problem is not easy to release and this is connected with the Lower 3 Chakras. The Confusion they face is about the Bills they have to Pay. Now here comes the Interesting Part because as a reader you must be thinking isn't this a problem that most people face in the 3D reality?

Well, Yes they do, Most people do and which is why they remain stuck in the Sansarik (Worldly) Reality and those who figure out they don't want to do the Mundane and only want to focus on doing their Inner Work, leave everything and go away something, be alone, meditate, not do anything that distracts them in their Practise, cannot do so bcz this is a Rut that people cannot get out. However, God doesn't want us to leave everything either. God wants us to learn Gratitude and that can only be done when are present to all the beautiful things we get in abundance from Universe on a regular basis. Also the chance-the golden opportunity to serve others and remain there are always people who would love to exchange places with us. 

Worst thing about 'Worrying' is that it impacts seekers in their Dream World- when they are doing Astral Travel. Many Ascensioners complain of feeling Tired when they wake up because they travel a lot in their dreams and have very intense and vivid dreams. Initially such dreams also scare them because some have nightmarish content. But after my own research and Energy work, the download I received made me finally write this Blog so that anyone who is looking for an answer can find some relief. 

If we don't sleep correctly our Ascension cannot happen or it stays stuck at one place. And it's not about how many hours you sleep because when you Live in Awareness you can sleep less number of hours as well but your Mind remains relaxed and a relaxed person has different type of experience in the astral World. When a person is disturbed thinking about Money and cannot have trust that all their needs will be met and worked out by Source. Whatever they want to do, especially if it's connected with Inner Work, they witness and experience a lot of Mental Movies during their Sleep. Dreams are connected with our subconscious thoughts. Not just dreams but also our waking world. Technically all is a dream and the whole purpose is to make you learn about the power of Faith because Faith can actually move Mountains but we don't believe in it. 

Letting go of Worldly worries and financial problems heals our Root Chakra and sometimes this type of receiving is also important that when we are in need God sends its Source to help us out. And everyone in Ascension should give away what they get from God to genuine people or beings in need. It must be hard for some people to believe that Worry of Unpaid Bills can actually have such a big impact on our Ascension Journey? For some people it's the basic survival if not exactly paying unpaid bills, for some it's the urge to Save Money or buy materialistic things that make them feel secure. 

As my Master had said that it's important to TRY. If we Try we can ! 


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