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Like most of us here, I also come across written content on Narcissism every now and then. Since 2018 it has become a Hot Topic of discussion in the Spiritual and Twinflame Community. I have myself said that a lot of suffering & havoc in the planet is caused due to Narcissism or Narcissistic Abuse. In this Blog I will share key information on this subject so that people can benefit from it, or at least they can try to apply it in order to clear Narcissism & heal from it so that they are able to attract their best life.
I am an Ascension Coach and one of my key Therapy Course is 'Removing Narcissistic Abuse Pattern' from people's Energy Bodies and Lives. Doing so helps them to come into alignment with their most authentic life where they can fearlessly express themselves thus healing Sacral Chakra which is called 'Svathisthana' in Sanskrit. This is the Chakra that allows you to establish in your being. But if the Solar Plexus gets blocked due to Narcissistic abuse then Sacral too remains blocked. So, those who are ready to release this intuitively get drawn to this particular Therapy.
I regularly work with people who have Narcissistic abuse pattern in their Template and contrary to popular belief it usually comes down from Family tree. Even though most people assume it's coming from somewhere outside like their other people they date or others who are present in their environment. Detecting Narcissism making people feel bitterness towards those who reflect Narcissism. This makes the victim blame the Narcissistic Partner for a long time but still they cannot stop thinking about that person. They know that there is Toxicity even in thinking about those people who make them feel unworthy but they can't help it. Before I dive deeper in the explanation I want to share that some amount of Narcissism in any person is not bad because Balance is the key but the problem appears when people confuse it with Self Love.
Separating from a Narcissistic partner in some cases helps but then people feel that they keep attracting similar kinds of people who seem to be Kind and Compassionate in the beginning but in due course of time they too end up becoming the same. People have reported to go through the feeling of being used for years. For years they have been into Hot and Cold relationships and they mention constantly feeling drained. Immense Selfishness seems to be a consistent behavior in most of their Partners. Though lots of people have written or they would like to believe that Narcs stay alone but that's not correct. In fact it's it's impossible for a Narcissistic person to live alone, their whole life is about depending on others and be taken care of by them. They are always good in finding someone who ends up taking care of them some way or the other — always! They are good in exposing their Vulnerability even though they aren't so Vulnerable. Even the Narc parent is taken care of by their children and if unhealed their least favorite child end up taking care of them but if their least favorite child is healed then they will either hover around a Lover or some other gullible child will take care of them. Sometimes, it is their enabled Narcissistic child who ends up ill-treating them a lot. This happens when they have only one child. No matter how much they do for such a child, he or she is always unhappy. Karma does hit back and even the best of Narcs go through punishments. Some don't but there is always a Next Life.
So, In my opinion Living alone or having your own private space is a wonderful gift and not everyone can manage to do so because to live alone one has to be extremely independent, positive and be a person of gratitude and faith. When people heal they become detached with the Worldly World and enjoy their company so much that they cannot give up on their independence. Such healed Empaths have spent so much time doing Inner Work that their whole life becomes a mission. And don't think they don't attract people but since they have already lived and healed Narcissistic abuse patterns to a degree - it's a life long learning in some cases, they attract either like minded independent people or meet other Narcs from time to time just to sharpen their skills and learn to give them a Knock-out punch.
Many a times, Healed Empaths make it their life's mission to stay alone because they know after healing they can recognize different types of Narcissistic people and it's always good to learn and become even more detached, at the end they always WIN and it's the Narcissistic abuser this time who spends their whole life questioning what happened to them but the healed Empath is the trickiest person for them and they have no option but to behave in their Presence. Some Empaths find other Empaths like them and devote their Energy and time to Inner Work and Mission together, but they are careful enough to get co-dependent. If they end up depending on each other and feel the Toxicity they too can take breaks and enjoy the Hermit phase but it's a friendly Separation. Something like what Shiva used to do. He used to go away to meditate alone and Parvati used to do her Inner Work, enjoying her Solitude. During one such phase she entered Singularity all by herself and created Ganesha from the Clay. Mother Sita wife of ShriRam did the same thing during exile. She gave birth to her son Luv but created Kush from Kusha which means Grass. But in today's world finally people are awakening to the concept of Inner Work by not blaming outside influences. Rather use them like Stimuli and become a better person.
Meeting a Narcissistic person is probably a bad experience but healing from their abuse turns into a gift and life can change on a 360 degree level. The World is live in, Narcs are everywhere. People worship them and call them 'Celebrities’ and everyone wants to be like them. One type of Narcissism makes a person collect as many materialistic objects as they can. They have no concept of giving. Immense Popularity which helps no one is also Narcissism and stems from attention deficit disorder. Such people believe that others should worship them day and night. So, in last 100 years this too has become part of Human lifestyle. But it's last 10-15 years and especially since 2020 their impact is getting revealed because the Narcissistic people rarely helped anyone, but the real heroes came forward as rescuers showing people reality. This is happening as per divine timing globally because collectively Energy of the Earth is changing.
In relationships, whenever a Narc attracts a partner it takes time for the other person who might be an Empath, to find out about them because the Narcs are so good in pretending to Love them and they are definitely charming. They have no shame in contacting past Lovers as soon they sense even a bit of danger in their current relationship. Truly they are shameless in this regard and sometimes they are even babied by other people because Narcs either reproduce children who become their proxies or they give birth to Empaths who after healing know how to create healthy boundaries. With time they learn how to maintain a healthy distance from them because they can call them out on their bullshit and Narcs have a hard time living with anyone who in some cases, is their own Narcissistic or Empathetic child who gives them back what they gave to their partners. Narc child will do it because of the same selfishness and Empath will do it because they speak the Truth. Karma works better when their own enabled child either runs away with their unaware partner for a while or they ignore their Narcissistic parent.
Another popular opinion is that Narcs don't change ever and this isn't true especially if they are struck by Karma and they learn that how they lived wasn't correct way to live and they also learn to Surrender to God. The only thing is that Change and realization takes time. The catalyst in such cases can be either a healed Empath or a Selfish Narc in form of Lover, Business Partner or a Child.
An Empath who is on Spiritual Ascension will not tolerate bullshit and put the Narcs to Work. But making efforts and taking responsibility is another thing that the Narcissistic Person cannot tolerate or do. This is actually a mental disorder which is also a Societal flaw. Only a healed generation of Children Oriented Empaths can heal this problem as a Collective. For this the medicine is correct education which helps children to be more independent and learn how to meditate, grow their own food and respect Nature. A Godly lifestyle minus addictions helps the most. A Holistic and Spirituality based Indigenous education can save the World. The current education system helps to strengthen this disorder more. Usually children of Narcissistic people attract Narcissistic partners because they have already spent so many years living and taking care of their Narcissistic Mother or Father or both that their Energy pattern becomes a match to drawing in Narcissistic Partners, friends and colleagues... Believe me, the most favorite child of a Narcissistic parents is the one who learns all the traits and is always taken care of by someone. So if you aren't the favorite and seen one or more Empathetic Adults suffer you are actually Lucky. These particular adults who suffered at the hands of other Narcs actually shielded and supported you. It can also be a Grand-Parent, an Uncle, Aunt, a teacher or some other close contact.
Narcs look for partners are materialistically sound. They prefer richer, more patient, caring and giving in the materialistic sense and many times they look for some who is very stupid and can be fooled in this regard... Years upon Years pass by but selfish people expect to be taken care of by Empaths. Daughters and Sons of Narcs can also end up becoming Over achievers and take on too much burden just to keep the Narcs satisfied and glued to them for the fulfilment of supplies. Narcs are damn charming if they are well-trained. They have no shame in living-off of other people's energy, money and time. If the Narcissistic Person is good-looking then that becomes their added advantage. The Narcs play on good looks and they are mostly very materialistic. They like to attract a good life and they are also social climbers. They take no time in discarding a person when they are not needed. This problem is the result of Dark ages where people were so selfish that they don't take care of their own children, it's all about them 24/7 and that's why we live in the most Narcissistic Generation of all times. This mental disorder keeps getting passed on.
In today's world many people have Narcissistic traits and little bit of Narcissism is healthy. But let me give you a good news after you have read till here. Narcissistic people ARE NEVER HAPPY. They are never at peace and that's why healing from the biggest wound of this century is the best thing that can happen to you. If you have suffered and healing or fully healed from Narcissistic Abuse you are the luckiest person and one of God's favorite. Though the healing takes time and that's why Therapies have multiple sessions but later on You can become massively independent and extremely happy.
Such people remember that the World is a temporary place where everyone dies one day, so why not live to the fullest and stay in the present moment. 'Alone' is a gift because you never feel lonely when you embrace like fully. Even in relationships or sharing a space or mission with someone you will remember that we come alone and go alone. This knowledge doesn't allow you to depend emotionally on others. Whether you are with others or not, you will be with yourself always and you are the only person who lives with yourself for eternity. Shadow work and surrendering to the path of Mother Kundalini is a blessing.
Trust me, many people will Love you, including some successful Narcs but you will smile at all of them. You will attract people like you also who are more mission oriented and without talking much you will understand them. Your intuition is heightened after healing & confidence gets restored and renewed. So, actually in the long run this whole experience is a wonderful gift. Forgive the Narcs and focus on your healing and Inner Work because they don't know what they are doing. Don't depend on anyone but Source. If you learn well, then you would know which job to give even to the Narcs and keep them busy. Your charm is not Superficial like theirs therefore you don't live in fears like them.
One Love, peace-out and Jai Shri Ram
Book a Therapy to heal Narcissistic Abuse and uproot it forever:
🌷TO BOOK A PERSONAL SESSION : https://www.paypal.me/thesunamoon Join on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TheSunamoonGoddess 1. Tarot + Intuitive Energy Reading Session ( DOB will be good) - 150$ 2. Twinflame Astrology Reading - 150$ (Complete Birth Details with Location+ Time and DOB) THERAPIES (Video/ Audio + Messenger) 1. Transmutation of Anger / Negativity towards Twinflame (DM/DF) into Love - 600$ (minimum 3 sessions) 2. Releasing Karmic (3rd Party Blocks) Relationships - 600$ (minimum 3 sessions recommended) 3. Paternal / Maternal Narcissism (minimum 4 sessions) 800$ 4. A Single Therapy Personal session - 220$ (Minimum Time needed is one hour) 5. Renovate your House Energetically - 600$ (3 face to face sessions with assignments and messenger communication. Space of house doesn't matter. Garden space included 🦋) 6. Seven Chakra Therapy - 7 sessions - 1225$ (Course to booked in advance for all 7 sessions and Old Students can ask for a discount) 🌸📣: Introducing 'Reverse Early Signs of Aging / Becoming Youthful Therapy' 🌸 Description: This Therapy is specifically designed for people who lost many precious years pleasing the Narscisstic people around and are now troubled with Societal Programming and Projection of Aging on them which is impacting their Lives, overall Energy and Looks. They feel they are aging faster due to that. This Therapy is focused on helping them gain youthful energy & increase Confidence and bring back lost years. This is for those who don't want to use Plastic Surgery, Chemical or Artificial Procedures to feel and look Youthful. There are 4 sessions in a single course with regular Assignments. 4 Sessions -1500 Time Duration of Sessions on Discretion of Therapist. * Past Life Regression (Can happen only in Person and on appointment) - 2 sessions 600$ Mail for Personal Twinflame Reading/Counseling /Coaching/ Healing Blocks: TheSunamoon@gmail.com TO BOOK / CONTRIBUTE: https://www.paypal.me/thesunamoon IN THE NAME OF LUUUV KINDLE & E-BOOK📱 https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07NQT1WGH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_tXLpFb1M73RQV Connect with me : https://www.instagram.com/thesunamoongoddess/ OneLove ✨ & Peace-Out 🌷
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