Tuesday, December 6, 2022


  1. You have started enjoying your own company because now you have lots to do in Solitude. You value your time a lot and avoid gatherings that will waste your time and drain your Energy. You cannot fake worldly relationships anymore.
  2. You don't fear judgement of people and you know how to create discipline around your life. Confidence is about being Okay even if people don't like you. If someone cannot be a part of your plans/ life it doesn't effect you at all and quite practically.  You value your time and others time too.
  3. You are more connected with animals and nature. You are peaceful around flora and fauna.
  4. Your lifestyle has changed. Eating meat, drinking alcohol etc. will not feel good anymore. For the same reason you will change your circle and cut out activities where the consumption of these items are encouraged. Also clothing choices are now governed around comfort and personal happiness rather than people's validation and judgement.
  5. You do not like clutter around yourself. You like to have things sorted and organized to save time and put it to better use. It also is a feel good factor to not hoard onto things unnecessarily and give away stuff that's not required. 
  6. You are more connected to Source now. Your focus is stronger, your manifestations work because you accept your life completely as per God's plan. You chant the name of Ram naturally and understand life better. Due to this your 6th sense becomes better and psychic abilities kick in. First you accept Human experience and then move to Supernatural domain. 
  7. You feel increased peace of mind. You feel miracles happening all the time. From Duality you move to Singularity and feel oneness with everything around.
  8. You stay in present. You move on from negativity quickly because you see mistakes and rejection as an opportunity to do more customized Inner work in order to become a better version of you.
  9. You don't Run or Chase for Happiness. Not looking for vacations etc. because you know this is the best place for you and you have accepted life the way it is. If spontaneous plans happen you are a part of it but your life becomes more and more effortless.
  10. You look more youthful as you don't have the materialistic worries. Even with challenges you do not get bogged down. You keep the child like part alive within you and this makes you look and feel younger and more Energetic.
  11. You experience unconditional love within. You now differentiate between love and lust and know how to reject Lust for yourself because now there are no Love Addictions. 
  12. You have gratitude towards Source for choosing you out of so many people to experience True Love which comes from within and gets manifested in each and every department in your outer world.
  13. You feel more detached and Independent than before now.


Keep check on superiority complex. Share this experience with others too. 

Credit - Pointers compiled by Neels Jindal

Jai Shri Ram !πŸ’™✨πŸ™

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