Friday, July 1, 2022

Taking Offense on Stereotypes !

What is an Offense ?

Why do we take Offense to things ? 

Sometimes the offenses are big and sometimes small in nature but once anyone gets offended it takes times (less or more) to get out of that energy. In the Ascension Journey getting offended or healing the punishments that you went through as a child by the adult caregivers around is one part of the Inner Work.

People in relationships constantly get offended by one another and their relatives. Even though one might not like their own relatives but as soon as their partner says anything negative about the Ego creates the feeling of being Offended by those remarks. Also, it's not unnatural to get offended but there has be a discernment between a genuine offense or a pointless Ego based Offense. To change something one has to get offended but there is a right way to do it and the first step is to which offense is worth giving Time and Energy to. Let me share an example of useless/ unnecessary offense. Being an animal activist I have come across people who get offended by things beyond my comprehension. On my Housing Society's group I have spoken to people who are upset by people feeding pigeons at the place assigned for them. They said the grains are making the place dirty, it's shocking because these people seem to NOT notice the garbage, red stains of Gutka, plastic, open sewers, men urinating and leaving a bad stench. People are offended by street dogs and cats merely existing. Someone once said I am offended by the street dog because it barked and by the way the dog didn't bark at the man, he barked in general. If people can get offended by pigeons eating grains there is nothing left to say. I asked him to leave the pigeons alone and he said they can cause me health issues.

A cab driver wants to play his favorite song on a loud volume, assuming that he is not driving people on Public Transport and chose to be on a Job by choice ! But we get offended by him-by the joke that he is playing on himself and others. It's a joke which offends us. Should we give it power over others?

People get offended when they mistake the subject of the joke with the actual target, which are not necessarily the same said the comedian Ricky Gervias on his show 'Humanity'

People live their whole lives based on Stereotypes that appear from gradual programing so actually what offends us are not places and people but Stereotypes that are plastered everywhere. The weak minds cannot get out of it for their whole lives. They keep getting offended on so many things and take things personally. When we take things personally we suffer the MOST ! 

Then there are also people who pretend to get offended just to make people do things like we see with Parents & Bosses. Some people just act as if they are genuinely offended and create a scene and keep others on their Toes. It's okay and maybe it works as long as things are getting done but one has to be careful bcz what we say and do constantly can create our upcoming reality !  

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