Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lyrics of 'The Universe is You' Spoken word Poetry by The Sunamoon

The Universe is You (Lyrics)

Classes & Masses
It’s time to raise your glasses  
Brothers & sisters be open to get flustered  
Naming & blaming won't make you feel protected
Coz expectations are repetitions of the moving mind caught in a design
On the hind side it teaches you a lot 
Makes u learn how 'The Maya' makes you Rot
Living the Illusions
Embracing the Delusions  
Blocking the Solutions 

Puts you in a trap mode 
Wanting this or that Mode  
The usual good & bad mode 
The trivial dark and light mode  
Makes your head go faster 
Looking for disaster  
Not being a master 
Leaving signs of Alter   
It's all about the time
It’s all about the dates
Trapped inside the gates 
Looking for a mate 
For the Rat Race 
Calling it the one 
Giving it a Shape
Making a Modern Cave 
This is in the White 
This is in the Black 
This is in the good 
This is in the bad
Becoming so cold 
Stuck inside a mould 
Guarded by beliefs 
Looking for reliefs 
Living in the Heads 
Feeling the same Mess 
Staying with the Crowds 
Blaming the world out 

Philosophers, scientists, actors, producers  
What type of people do u want to breed?  
It's all about virtues, making tall big statues  
It's all about being Perfection, Doing things for validation
You wana make boxes? Same packaging  Bar codes? Stamps? Machines? 
Machines fucking machines to produce more machines.
A plague of Machines 
Generation of machines! 
Do you think this game works? 

We are the humans, human beings
We are the travelers, 
Children of the cave dwellers
Came so far, Doing inventions 
Revolving around a star
The Universe is like a Candy Jar  
You pick up what you like
The beginning or the end  
It doesn't matter coz time can always bend  
No need to Run
 No need to Hide  
No need for Pain
No need for Pride 
No need to Fear
No need to Fight 
Do you know that you are the world that you don't like 
You are the Sun's and the Moon's of the bright days and the dark nights
You are Earth, made up of the stars that u see in the black skies  
You are the water, floating in the clouds, white mystified 
You could be the grains of a flower or the galaxies spread so far  
You could be insect singing lullaby 
Or the baby with blue, black or brown eyes.... 
You're not so small
You're not so big 
You're not the Fall 
You're not the Spring 
You're not Revenge 
You're not Payback 
You're not the Maze 
You're not the Knack 
So thankyou for  the Heights 
For thee Morning lights 
For days and the nights 
For mind bending rhymes 
Thankyou for the Air and the Purity
For all happy songs for reality 
Thankyou for the layers and the surety 
For all wackiness, for morality 
Duality to Singularity 
And woken up humanity 
And woken up identities 

Written &  Composed 
By Chandra Mehendrou 

The Sunamoon 

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